Sunday, November 18, 2007

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope: November 19-25

This week starts with a challenging square (90-degree angle) from Venus in charming Libra to Mars -- your traditional ruling planet -- in Cancer. Mars is retrograde until late January -- your energy may be diminished, and home is more appealing than usual. Hence, the last thing you want to do now is put on that nice Libra face, just so you can please everyone. (As if Scorpio would bother?!) Recognize that putting on a front may come at the expensive of revitalizing yourself via withdrawal. Besides, with Libra in your 12th House, nobody would notice if you put on makeup anyway.

On Thursday, the Sun enters Sagittarius in your Second House of Income. The next month is about widening the canvas, realizing the possibilities that will enable you to increase both your financial worth and self-esteem. Embrace your vision now, for soon both beneficial Jupiter and transformative Pluto will be leaving this area of your chart. (You won't have their support much longer to help you build your wealth.)

On Saturday, unpredictable Uranus stations direct in your Fifth House of Creativity and Children. Expect disruptive progeny or artistic breakthroughs. Make sure to wear protection if you don't want to get pregant. On the same day, a Gemini Full Moon in your Eighth House of Sex distracts you from your primary partner or (if you're single) provides multiple opportunities for serious lovemaking, provided you're willing to let someone past your defenses. It feels like anything can happen today, so decide ahead of time how many rules you're willing to break.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope: November 12-18

The big news this week is Mars' station on Thursday. When a planet stations, it apparently stops motion and moves in the opposite direction. Mars will be retrograde from Nov 15 to Jan 30. As Mars is your traditional ruling planet, its backwards movement should have a strong impact on you for the next few months.

When any planet stations, its effect is more prominent. Mars governs assertiveness, aggression, anger, sexual desire. Expect to feel more easily stimulated or provoked this week. When Mars turns retrograde, though, this energy goes inward. It is difficult to move forward, and you are more likely to benefit from this period by looking back at projects you have already started. Review what's working and what's not -- you may be able to identify the roadblocks to success more easily when you take a breather. In addition, old resentments may come back, and now is a good opportunity to release them.

For those natives with Scorpio Rising, this retrograde will primarily occur in your Ninth House of Travel, Higher Education and Matters of Faith. Mars' retrograde is not the best time to start school, go on a trip, start promoting yourself. The energy just isn't there. Rather, take some time to evaluate how you want to invest your energies in these areas once Mars stations direct.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope: November 5-11

On Monday, the transiting Moon hits both Venus in Virgo and Pluto in Sag, both of which square each other later that night. The combustible mix of love and power results in obsession, hot sex, femme fatales manipulating their lovers to do their dirty work for them. A seemingly innocent and pure friend may lure you into bed and then steal your wallet while you're sleeping.

On Wednesday, the Scorpio Sun trines electric Uranus in Pisces. Prepare yourself for illuminating thoughts that fuel your creative drive. You may not understand what you're writing or painting or acting out, but just channel the Higher Mind, and in 10 years your brilliance will be appreciated.

Venus enters Libra on Thursday. Romantic trysts must be hidden. Flirtation happens covertly. If you must send flowers to your lover's office, don't sign the card.

On Sunday, Mercury returns to your sign after its retrograde phase. Whatever you were trying to get across to someone in October can now be picked up again. Keep in mind that the Sun squares Neptune, so you may still be misinterpreted.