Monday, October 29, 2007

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope: October 29 - November 4

This horoscope is tardy. I can blame Mercury retrograde, but I won't.

On Monday, Venus squares Jupiter. This aspect is all about over-indulgence. You are likely to spend too much money to please your friends. If you bring donuts to your Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, Krispy Kreme is the way to go. Also today, the Sun sextiles Saturn. You'll look good to your fellow recovering alcoholics if you abstain from eating the donuts that you brought to the meeting.

On Thursday, Mercury finally ends it retrograde movement. As it moves forward in your 12th House of Seclusion, your efforts at communicating will still be unheard, but at least you found that dream journal you've been looking for!

On Sunday, the Sun trines Mars. You're feeling energized to expand your worldview in ways that reflect well on yourself. Ask your grandparents about their "coming to America" experiences.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope: October 22-28

On Tuesday, the Sun enters your sign. The next month is all about you. I know you don't like to be in the spotlight, preferring to hide in dark corners and dank alleyways, doing all matters of suspicious, underground things. You're gonna have to share a taste of that smack with everyone else, as the public is in a Scorpionic mood. Although we all find you fascinating all of the time, be prepared for an extra dose of attention. Be nice to the paparazzi, and don't hit anyone over the head with a camera.

On the same day, Mercury moves backwards into Libra. When the communication planet retrogrades into your Twelfth House of Secrets and Lies, you must learn how to be charmingly deceptive without getting caught.

On Thursday, love planet Venus opposes unpredictable Uranus. You may unexpectedly get the hots for a friend, or end up breaking laws as part of your street theater protests against the war.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Keith Urban profile on AOL

Super-astrologer Jeff Jawer has written an excellent profile of Scorpio Keith Urban on AOL Horoscopes. Check it out!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope: October 15-21

On Tuesday, Venus in Virgo sextiles Mars in Cancer. The planets of love and sex create a sensuous mix, although when they are both in the signs of their fall, they tend to be respectively self-critical and overly defensive. You do have the ability to act on your creative inspiration, especially by participating in a group endeavor to spread an idea via publishing, teaching or proselytizing. Later that day, the Moon conjoins your ruling planet Pluto -- powerful feelings about your finances and self-worth may come to the surface.

On Wednesday, Mercury in Scorpio (which is currently retrograde) trines Mars in Cancer. Now is a good time to assertively communicate about your emotional needs. Rehashing the past -- in order to wrap up unfinished business -- may open up horizons for you, as the energy you had squandered on resentments is now available for more fruitful explorations. Later, the Moon in Capricorn opposes Mars from your Third House of Communication, reinforcing the need to seriously express your frustrations.

On Saturday, the Libra Sun sextiles Pluto. Your dreams and meditative practices are deepened -- use this weekend to dig up buried psychic treasures, thus creating a sense of spiritual wealth.

Comment below:
How was this week for you? Do you have any favorite horoscope websites you'd like to share with readers?

Friday, October 5, 2007

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope: October 8-14

On Monday, Venus enters Virgo in your 11th House of Groups and Friends. Having moved on from the career area of your chart, She wants to take the creativity that was inspired while in Leo and apply it to some useful end. Professionally, you may want to become involved in an organization that helps you improve your image. On the personal front, you may become more critical of your pals, harping on them for their imperfections. You're only doing it because you like them, but note that they may not feel so appreciative of your feedback.

On Thursday/Friday, Mercury turns retrograde in your Sun sign. When the planet of communication apparently moves backwards in the sky, you are likely to be misinterpreted. Make sure to double-check your correspondences before you hit the "Send" button. It's a good time to complete unfinished business from your past, and since Mercury is in Scorpio, you should take care of back-taxes and made good with anyone you've manipulated. If you're in a relationship, put off talking about your sexual needs until next month.