Monday, September 17, 2007

Anne Hathaway: A starlet who hasn't destroyed her career

Unlike Lindsay et al., Scorpio Anne Hathaway has managed to avoid snorting cocaine in restrooms and flashing her coochie to the paparazzi. She just may be a starlet who's more interested in being a performer than a party girl. Not to say that she doesn't like to have fun, but at least she's being more discreet about it.

If anything, Scorpios know how to keep their private lives private. But Anne's no ordinary Scorpio, she's a princess. She was born on November 12, 1982, with her Sun closely conjunct Jupiter and Venus in the same sign. Jupiter is the planet of good fortune, and sitting next to her Sun, it bestows upon her an optimistic viewpoint, along with a strong dose of good luck. But Jupiter is also the planet of philosophy and religion. According to Wikipedia, she's a non-demoninational Christian, and her favorite book is Objectivistic philosopher Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead. One may surmise that -- having been raised with "really strong values" -- Ms. Hathaway subscribes to a moral system that keeps her out of trouble.

For all of Jupiter's high ground, it is also the planet of excess, and conjunct Venus (ruler of money and sensual pleasure), it is likely that Anne enjoys the finer things in life, and hasn't suffered too much in the material goods department. As long as she exerts some Scorpionic self-control (or at least keeps her indulgences behind closed doors), she won't suffer the fate of LiLo.


Anonymous said...

OH! That is one of my favorite books too! You just cant go wrong with one of Ayn Rands books!

I hope she continues to keep her life private, for her sake.

Jara said...

It's interesting to read that Jupiter sits so close to her Sun. She must've not been feeling this influence last year when she suffered from anxiety and depression.