Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Owen Wilson's suicide attempt

Scorpio Owen Wilson attempted suicide a few weeks ago. Owen has his Sun in late Scorpio, sitting very close to Neptune, planet of fantasy and illusion. This pair is great for the movies, as he's able to imagine almost anything. Unfortunately, Saturn -- which just recently left Leo to enter Virgo -- was making a stressful 90-degree angle (called a "square") to Owen's Sun and Neptune. Saturn is the planet of hardship and weightiness, and in aspect to Luke's Sun, it brings on a sense of depression, a feeling that the darkness will never lift. During this transit, one can feel awfully hard on oneself, feeling inferior and self-critical. It doesn't help that Saturn busts Neptune's illusions, often shattering one's dreams and making manifestation of one's ideals difficult at best. Presumably, Owen crumbled under the pressure of Saturn. We wish him best in his recovery.

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