All we can know is what she gives us on screen, with those vivid blue eyes that promise a transparency that never comes and a tight smile that chills more than it warms.Dargis' thesis is that, although Jodie rarely talks about her personal life (although she has discussed her kids, because it's hard not to!), one can learn much about the actress through watching the roles she chooses.
Graced with a preternaturally husky voice and unusual poise, she had, as a child, always appeared older than she was. She didn’t widen her eyes and beg for love or mercy. She didn’t play cute or look lost, helpless. She seemed self-possessed, in control of her lithe body and alert mind. Her characters drank, stole, cursed, vamped, whored and killed.Scorpios don't play the cute girl!
Ms. Foster has been rumored -- for ages -- to be gay, but never talks about her sexuality. AstroDataBank provides accurate birth data for her (November 19, 1962; 8:14 am; Los Angeles, CA). Not surprisingly, Jodie's Scorpio Sun is in her 12th House of Secrets. She is a very private person, and it appears that her nondisclosure has served her well -- audiences can focus on her performance instead of her love life.
The recent Lunar Eclipse in Pisces was conjunct her Third House Jupiter, and opposite her Ninth House Moon in Virgo. Transiting Saturn is making its way towards conjoining Jodie's Moon, as well. No doubt, her rational approach (Virgo) to her emotions (Moon) has been integral to her screen persona, but with all this activity, she may have to seriously explore what works and what doesn't. How does her coolness put people off? Does this emotional control limit her choices as an actress? Let's see how The Brave One is received by the public.
I love Jodie Foster. I like that she keeps her life private. I really dont care about actors private lives at all. It does make watching her easier and a bit more mysterious to watch on screen.
scorpio female who plays cute: Julia ROberts
Congratulations, scorp! You're the first commenter!
I'll have do a Julie Roberts profile in the future.
I'd be interested in your profile on Julia Roberts as well. Though she has played in the past the cute, goofy gal, she's seen by many as being very "cool" unless she knows you well. Typical Scorpio. Is her public persona due to her rising sign at all?
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