Sunday, November 11, 2007

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope: November 12-18

The big news this week is Mars' station on Thursday. When a planet stations, it apparently stops motion and moves in the opposite direction. Mars will be retrograde from Nov 15 to Jan 30. As Mars is your traditional ruling planet, its backwards movement should have a strong impact on you for the next few months.

When any planet stations, its effect is more prominent. Mars governs assertiveness, aggression, anger, sexual desire. Expect to feel more easily stimulated or provoked this week. When Mars turns retrograde, though, this energy goes inward. It is difficult to move forward, and you are more likely to benefit from this period by looking back at projects you have already started. Review what's working and what's not -- you may be able to identify the roadblocks to success more easily when you take a breather. In addition, old resentments may come back, and now is a good opportunity to release them.

For those natives with Scorpio Rising, this retrograde will primarily occur in your Ninth House of Travel, Higher Education and Matters of Faith. Mars' retrograde is not the best time to start school, go on a trip, start promoting yourself. The energy just isn't there. Rather, take some time to evaluate how you want to invest your energies in these areas once Mars stations direct.

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