Friday, October 5, 2007

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope: October 8-14

On Monday, Venus enters Virgo in your 11th House of Groups and Friends. Having moved on from the career area of your chart, She wants to take the creativity that was inspired while in Leo and apply it to some useful end. Professionally, you may want to become involved in an organization that helps you improve your image. On the personal front, you may become more critical of your pals, harping on them for their imperfections. You're only doing it because you like them, but note that they may not feel so appreciative of your feedback.

On Thursday/Friday, Mercury turns retrograde in your Sun sign. When the planet of communication apparently moves backwards in the sky, you are likely to be misinterpreted. Make sure to double-check your correspondences before you hit the "Send" button. It's a good time to complete unfinished business from your past, and since Mercury is in Scorpio, you should take care of back-taxes and made good with anyone you've manipulated. If you're in a relationship, put off talking about your sexual needs until next month.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the insight.